Monday, June 05, 2006

I'm one of many, I speak for the rest but I don't understand

I've been away for a while (being a daddy is hard work). That and it took me a while to come up with a good lyric for this topic. I'm being very stubborn about this lyric title thing, probably overly so. So what? This one's pretty obscure, so bonus points for those who get it without a web search.

First off, a shout out to my brother's band Aridne ( They've posted some stuff online, and I'll be the first to admit to being shocked how good it was. No offense to my brother, but you just don't expect something that good coming from someone you're related too.

Anyway, check it out. Very old-genesis like in that 1) there are a lot of different ideas in a song, and 2) it doesn't suck. Its nice to see music like that is still being written. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

However this post is not about them, if it was, the title wouldn't make any sense. No, this is about Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Yes, I'm talking about game consoles. Go figure, I tell my wife about this blog, and then I post something that will bore her to tears.

Anyway, if you've been following the media blitz, you know the current state of the world is this.
1) Microsoft was out first with the XBox360, though there aren't that many good games out for it yet. Price $400

2) Nintendo will be next out the gate with the Wii. Strange name, but revolutionary controller. Price $250

3) Sony out last. Probably best graphics & hardware, Blu-Ray next gen DVD player. Price $600.

$600 for a game console??? The industry media has been in shock for days proclaiming the end of Sony's reign as the top console. And predicting the XBox360 as taking the top spot.

However, it might not be that clear cut. Don't get me wrong, Sony is taking one HELL of a gamble. Their price point might be ok if 1 of 2 of the following turns out to be true.

1) People will realize that they're getting a damn cheap Blu-Ray DVD player, and the game console is a bonus. They have to market the hell out of this, because as long as people see an expensive game console, it will drive people away. However, since HD-DVD & Blu-Ray DVD player are running at minimum $900, this is a great deal.

2) The console market is underrated. Considering the massive shortages of the XBox360, and the fact that they were selling on ebay for over $600, this might be true. People MIGHT actually be willing to spend that much considering that consoles last for 5 years.

If either one of those facts is true, Sony won't be in much trouble for their price point. If both are true, they will probably dominate again.....maybe.

There has been a lot of press on the XBox360 vs the PS3, but on the side is the new Nintendo Wii. This little box got a lot of good press at the recent E3 conference. The new controller that acts like a wand of sorts opens up huge possibilities for new types of gameplay (imagine swinging a bat, or wielding a sword).

The fact that its graphics aren't as high powered as the other 2 might actually be an ADVANTAGE. With more graphical power comes higher production costs. Making the Wii more attractive to developers. The graphics vs. gameplay argument comes into play again as well. This balance has been coming on the side of graphics for quite a long time. Though there are old games that I go back and play, once you get used to the nice graphics, its hard to go back.

However, I think there's a law of diminishing returns in effect, and we've finally reached it. The fact that Guild Wars does not have the highest power graphics engine, yet still looks beautiful lends credence to that. I don't think gamers are going to care that much this time around. However, the magic wand of the Wii is something revolutionary, and that's going to get gamers talking.

So I'm going out on a limb and call the winner of the next round of console wars for Nintendo's Wii. We'll see if I'm right this XMas.

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