Monday, October 09, 2006

Stone Blind Alibi

I've been busy, OK? Get off my back :P

I've recently finished my latest home improvement project of putting up a handrail for Gavin, which he sometimes actually uses! It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be, and would suggest any parent with a small child learning the stairs put one up.

On another Gavin note, he's definately entering the terrible twos, random temper tantrums and all that, fun times ahead.

I've come to the theory that basements are never done, just in constant states of reorganizing and throwing out. Though spending a productive weekend moving stuff around, there's still a lot to do down there, and I'm sure there is a lot to throw out if we ever get around to it. Especially if we want to finish the basement.

To make up for my recent absense to all of the 3 people who read this, I'll be doing a couple rapid fire posts soon. One of the reasons I started to blog was to talk about music. Well I just recently picked up 6 new albums and I'll be reviewing them on here, so look for that.

Watching TV this season, I've noticed a good trend in the music selections done for the most part. Instead of just randomly taking a new hit and slaping it on the show, they're actually looking for good stuff that fits. Noteworthy this year is Bones with the discovery of Susan Enan, who hadn't even put her album out yet. Do yourself a favor and go to and check out her two songs on there, especially Bring On The Wonder. This will be an album I will be picking up.

The other kudo goes to ER, which is surprising since I didn't think they had anyone on there who knew what a good song was. But their season premier featured a song by the artist who's lyric is the title of this post. It will also be the first album I review, coming soon :)

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