Monday, March 16, 2009

So I roam these open roads

I’m kind of roaming iTunes right now, looking for something new.  Its been 5 or 6 months since an album has blown me away (U-Catastrophe), so I’m getting antsy.  I’m digesting Lijie’s Roam right now (and no, I don’t know how to pronounce Lijie), and downloading Tara MacLean’s Wake and Keane’s Under the Iron Sea.  Tara I found while listening to Pandora (better than the radio for finding music) and Keane comes from a recommendation from my sister-in-law.  I’m pretty much a sucker for music people suggest to me, if someone thinks its worth mentioning to me, its usually worth a look at.  We’ll see how this all turns out.

I don’t want to turn into one of those people who can only listen to a type of music from a certain time period (hi dad).  That being said, I wish there was another Rush or Genesis album coming.  Thank god Tori is releasing one soon.

Ian is crawling now, it surprised us somewhat since for so long he had no interest in moving around.  He was quite willing just to watch his big brother run amok.  His focus was on the talking.  Then he stopped talking for a couple of days.  We should have figured out what was going on, but we can all be oblivious at times.   Needless to say, he got it in his head it was time to start moving, and he focused all his energy on that.  Now he’s all over the place, babbling while he tries to grab everything in sight.

Needless to say, I’ve had to put the staircase gates back up.  Including the one Gavin ripped out of the way a couple years back (Gavin MAD!)

What’s not surprising is his determination to follow Gavin.  During Gavin’s bath time a couple of days ago, I put Ian on the floor and watched him crawl out of the office.  First stop was Gavin’s bedroom.  After circling around the whole area (apparently he was checking if he was hiding), he sped off to the bathroom where he went right up to the tub and gave his big brother a huge grin.

Gavin’s taking it all in pretty good stride, and he doesn’t mind herding him around somewhat.  Its funny to watch him scramble to get his toys out of reach of Ian’s drool covered hands.  So if nothing else, Ian’s crawling will teach Gavin the importance of picking up his toys.

Warm weather this weekend meant we got to take Gavin & Ian to the park for a while.  These trips are always amusing to me as I can watch Gavin interact with any other kid or group of kids.  He somehow becomes instant friends with anyone.  No idea how he does it, he sure as hell didn’t get that from me.  He even charms the parents.

I hope he keeps that skill when he enters school….

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