Sunday, November 11, 2007

Everybody wants to know the score

Its been hard to blog, since really the only things noteworthy deal with work. And remember what my first post said...

What do you mean you haven't read the first blog post? For heaven's sake, start at the beginning and work your way back here.

While those people are off reading, I can talk about what else is going on.

Gavin is definitely in the imaginative stage, he makes up lots of games (I think we're on 5 variations of his "baseball game"), he practices conversations with himself, he talks to his bunny, its all quite cute. He doesn't always explain the rules of the game at first, but he'll teach you as you go. And he's very gracious, when I roll a ball down the banister for him to hit with a drum stick (baseball variation #2) and he misses. He calmly picks it up and tells me "I missed. Try again daddy". I highly enjoy the imaginative stage, some parents do get weirded it out by it though, especially the self-conversations. I just think its cute, I think that speaks for itself about my personality.

At this point, I've completely lost track of who we've told, so if you don't know, Pam is pregnant. If I tell you again, just live with it. I really should keep a chart of who we've told and who we haven't. Both Pam and I though the other told our next door neighbor, so she was the last on the block to know. And no, we don't know what it is. And I won't mention what I'm hoping for in case our future child reads this blog at some point in time because well, they just had a boring day. But if you know who you have to free from the Big Daddys in Bioshock, then you know what I'm wishing for. No way my kids will know what that game is when they get old enough :)

Speaking of video games, it seems slightly strange to me that a 32 year old guy like myself is still into that kind of thing. Apparently it isn't something you out grow. Though I do find myself passing on a lot of the normal action bang-bang boom games that are in the market, and really get engrossed in the ones with a great deal of attention to the world & the story. Bioshock is becoming one the best games I've played, frankly they should take the story and make a movie/book. It is that engrossing.

Music wise I'm addicted to Vanessa Carlton's "Home" and "More Than This". The album as a whole is ok, if a bit uneven. Definitely listen to those two songs. I've been listening to some clips of a new artist Liz Tormes and will probably download her sometime soon when I remember to take the iPod out of the car.

In reference to my last post, I've long resolved never to be "that parent" who pushes their kids to excel in something with an irrational passion. Like football, or some other sport. Yet, I find myself on the brink when it comes to hide and seek. Seriously. You have to understand, my family are at the professional level of hide and seek. Some of my siblings had no patience whatsoever, but would sit in a hiding spot for hours. I'm not kidding. The kid's got to step it up, the family's reputation is at stake!

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