Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Breaking out through the silence

We've reached the point where Gavin is starting talking in sentences, small sentences, but sentences nonetheless. Which means that conversations are beginning to happen, and more of his personality begins to emerge. My favorite conversation lately was...

Gavin: C'mon daddy, floor

Me: Daddy needs to go upstairs

Gavin: Daddy, floor please

Me: Daddy needs to order pizza

Gavin: Bye bye daddy!

Me: I'm not leaving, I'm ordering pizza

Gavin: Pizza! Bye bye daddy! Pizza!

As you can guess, my son likes his pizza, even more than playing with me apparently. I don't blame him, I like pizza better than playing with me too. Wait, that came out wrong...


The singing has also begun, his new one is "Happy Day", the single will be released next year, or whenever he adds more than two words to the song, whatever comes first.

Nonetheless, the meeting of the minds has begun (and with me, not so far to go). However, with all my powers of communication with the young ones, I will never master the mental telepathy that goes on between toddlers. So many times I've watched Gavin and another child exchange a look, and suddenly they laugh, or go in the same direction, or play a game. Even with strangers, he can make that connection. It seems a shame that as he improves his speech, he'll lose that. But the conversations that I get to hear between them are funny enough to be worth it.

My favorite was a conversation between him and C discussing if a light was off, or if it was broke. Note I said discuss, they never once raised their voices. They just simply discussed it for 10 minutes. What can beat that?

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